
10 Questions with Laura Serecin, IIDA

Laura Serecin, IIDA, Klawiter and Associates

Laura Serecin, IIDA, Klawiter and Associates

1. What is your favorite iconic chair?

Starck’s Ghost Chair: It’s a little bit country, a little bit rock-n-roll, just like me!

2. What is your favorite California destination?

The Integratron near Joshua Tree. Quartz singing bowl meditation in an acoustically perfect all-wooden structure atop earth’s magnetic ley lines.

3. What is your favorite color?

Kelly Green

4. What is your go-to outfit?

Let’s be honest: black yoga pants and a black T-shirt, usually sprinkled with dog fur. Unless, of course, I have a client meeting!

5. Where would we find you on the weekend?

book club, Against the Stream, Trader Joe’s, San Diego, dog park

6. Gold or silver?


7. Beer or wine?


8. Beach or mountains?


9. Online or print magazines?

Library Books

10. Open or private offices?

Open workstations with ample shared “heads-down” space; gracious corporate “living rooms”.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

I was born into the Steeler Nation, raised in Pittsburgh, PA. I am an animal advocate, reiki practitioner and a student of subculture. Before studying interior design, I was a World Lit. major.

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