IDCC Annual Meeting
On August 9, 2014 the Interior Design Coalition of California (IDCC) held their annual meeting in the ASID Orange County office at the Laguna Design Center. The meeting was very well attended by members of California ASID and IIDA chapters; Don Davis, Vice President, Government and Public Affairs, ASID; William Dessert, Specialist, Government and Public Affairs, ASID; Susanne Molina, Vice President IIDA; Susan Stuart, Partner, Capitol Advisors and Erin Evans-Fudem, Legislative Counsel, Capitol Advisors, IDCC’s lobbyists.
Outgoing IDCC President Katherine Fern reported on the many significant achievements of the Coalition this past year, including developing alliances with many interior design organizations as we worked to achieve common goals; successful outreach and education efforts to building officials, legislators and community college representatives; the enactment of SB 308 that extended the CID law until 2018 with added provisions; and the defeat of AB 2192, which would have allowed for Architects to implement a peer review system for plan approval, specifically for residential design.
Ongoing goals were also outlined that include obtaining uniform acceptance statewide of the CID stamp; the continued strengthening of collaborative alliances with other stakeholders and organizations; reinstatement of the NCIDQ as an alternative to the IDEX for certification; legal recognition of the profession of interior design; and continued vigilance for proposed legislation that could affect our right to practice.
Don Davis spoke about National efforts and recent legislative success in Massachusetts. He also explained the need to remain vigilant for proposed legislation similar to AB 2192. Also stressed was the fact that with new energy codes, nationally and in California (changes to Title 24 and the adoption of the CalGreen Building Code), all interior design work is becoming code-impacted work and legal recognition will be even more important to all interior designers.
Susan Stuart congratulated the Coalition on the success of the grass roots effort in defeating AB 2192 and discussed outlining goals for the Coalition going forward.
Susanne Molina discussed IIDA’s position on legislation, outreach efforts to expand awareness and understanding of the interior design professional, and the importance of the NCIDQ exam.
A lively and informative question and answer session followed that included many suggestions from the attendees for new alliances.
Nicole Rosetti, IIDA, was welcomed to the Board as Director-at-Large. Michel Dory, Allied ASID was also welcomed to the Communications team. In closing, Katherine Fern, who is leaving California, passed the torch to Patricia K. Weiss, IDCC’s new President. Katherine’s dedicated efforts resulted in a year of significant accomplishment for IDCC. We are all deeply appreciative and know that she will remain involved as a strong advocate for the profession. The IDCC Board is delighted to have Patricia returning to the Board and we look forward to her strong guidance and leadership.
The Interior Design Coalition of California seeks the legal recognition of the professional practice of interior design in the state of California. Through collaboration, education and advocacy, IDCC strives to present a unified voice for the California interior design community to support and protect the profession of interior design. Please visit our website www.idc-ca.org to become a member and to learn more about how our efforts affect your profession.
Kelsey Myatt, IIDA
Mohawk Group