Legislative Update from the 2013 Sunset Review
The Governor has signed SB 308 into law.
THANK YOU to everyone who has participated in this year’s sunset review. With your support and letter writing, we were able to keep the current bill in place with some incremental strengthening.
The Sunset Review
This year’s sunset review of the current legislation has passed the Assembly and the Senate and is now on the Governor’s desk to be signed back into law for another 4 years.
What Happened
SB308 did implement the following to the Certified Interior Designer law:
– Extends the certification statute to 2018,
– Adds a requirement for Certified Interior Designers to have contracts with their clients,
– Requires the Interior Design Certification Board – CCIDC, to operate their board meetings in compliance with the Bagley Keene Open Meeting Act,
– Clarifies that interior designer and interior decorator are not titles that are protected from use by non-certified individuals,
– Codifies the use of the appellation “CID” to mean Certified Interior Designer, and
– Strengthens the unfair practice provision.
What was achieved vs. what we were aiming for
IIDA worked closely with IDCC, ASID, 4CID and CCIDC to strengthen SB308. Proposed amendments included a clearer scope definition and increased/uniform acceptance of the CID stamp for interior designers submitting plans NOT affecting the seismic, structural and vertical exiting systems of the building. Because this was a Sunset Bill which included legislation affecting other professions, the legislators would not accept anything viewed as contentious and potentially not passing. Unfortunately, there was opposition during various stages from various groups including NKBA, AIACC and CALBO.
Next steps
STAY INVOLVED! IIDA continues to advocate for the advancement of YOUR profession and, with other stakeholders will continue to build awareness for the need to strengthen current legislation while reviewing options for new legislation. To achieve this, our legislators need to hear from their constituents and not just a select few. Sign up today at www.license2design.org to show your support and help define the future of your profession.
Kelsey Myatt, Assoc. IIDA, Vice President of Government & Regulatory Affairs
Architectural Representative, Lamin-Art