
Meet a Member: Kari Shultz

Q: What is your name?
A: Kari Shultz

Q: What is your role with IIDA?
A: Co-Chair of the San Diego Fashion Show Event

Q: Where do you work?
A: SitOnIt It seating

Q: How did you go from design school to this job role?
A: I went to Design Institute and I did most of my design career as a dealer designer. The opportunity to switch to a manufacturer’s rep came up and I jumped on the new challenge.

Q: What is something you have been doing for yourself during the pandemic?
A: Anything outdoors. I love to be outside, swimming, biking and running. 

Q: Favorite design styles?
A: Mid-century Modern, Spanish Style/Mediterranean. Love the clean simplicity to both. Love the contrast of Mediterranean style.

Q: Best memory from an IIDA event?
A: My favorite memory is the first time I Co-Chaired the IIDA Fashion Show. It really took me out of my comfort zone to be up in front of everyone.

Q: Favorite place in San Diego?
A: Going down to the beach. I love the salt smell.

Q: Favorite restaurant vibes in San Diego?
A: I love the atmosphere of Coasterra or island prime. The view of the city is stunning.

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