10 Questions with Blair Wilson
What is your favorite iconic chair:
Hands down, Saarinen’s Womb Chair. Since college, I have always said that my first “big girl” purchase wouldn’t be a killer pair of heels or the “gotta-have-it” bag- it would be this chair!
What is your favorite California destination:
The Central Library in downtown Los Angeles. My office is about a block away and I sneak away at lunch time about twice a week. It’s my favorite part of working downtown.
What is your favorite color:
My eye always goes to autumnal colors: burnt oranges and mustard yellows, but I always end up wearing blue.
What is your go-to outfit:
I will happily default to dark tights, tall shoes, and something sparkly. Bonus points if it involves big hair and winks back to the 1960’s.
Where would we find you on the weekend:
I like to bum around town on the weekends- you can find me religiously at the Fairfax Swap Meet on Melrose every Sunday afternoon, with a pit-stop for coffee before at Coffee Commissary.
If I’m really going big, I grab my gal pals and drive up the coast to Ventura to hit the world’s best thrift stores.
Gold or Silver:
Traditionally I’ve been a silver girl, but have found myself stepping over to the other side more and more.
Beer or Wine:
Neither! Give me sweet tea!
Beach or Mountains:
That is a tough call. This is why we live in California: we can have both.
I’ve lived near the ocean my entire life, though- it would feel very “off” to be totally land-locked somewhere.
Online or Print Magazines:
I love print. I keep them, dog-ear them, reference them over and over-art, design, fashion. I know culturally we are heading in to the digital landscape, and many magazines I read were once found exclusively online (Sweet Paul), but I like to have my own library on hand.
I will say this, though: I think the digital format allows content to be generated in a way that may not have been financially feasible in years past. Start-ups, bloggers, and artists have a platform to stand on that doesn’t necessarily require the backing of a publishing czar.
Open or Private Offices:
Open! It’s still important to provide private places to break away and say the things that need to be said quietly, though. Or meet. Or brainstorm. Or anything!
Some people do genuinely work their best in a private (or shared) office, so that is not something we should dismiss entirely. It will be interesting to see the shape-shifting that takes place as younger generations move into leadership roles in the work force: the idea of what an office is and how it works will be very different from what it was 10 years ago.
Blair Wilson has worked as a designer in the Los Angeles A&D community since 2007. She currently works at Klawiter & Associates in downtown Los Angeles. When she is not scheming and dreaming for interior design, she can be found hanging out with her boyfriend and one-eyed dog in Koreatown.
10 questions is a new feature on Bright IIDeAs. Check back for future posts.
Jaclyn Giuliano, Herman Miller & Jolene Ballard, HBF