
2021 Calibre Design Awards – Submission Deadline Extended!

The Calibre Submission Deadline has been extended to Monday, February 1st at 5pm. Now is the time to submit your project, click here!

Projects can be submitted in the following categories:

Work Extra-Large – 75,000 + sq. ft. Work Large – 35,000 – 74,999 sq. ft.

Work Medium – 10,000 – 34,999 sq. ft.

Work Small – under 10,000 sq. ft.

Public & Community Spaces – Government, institutional, transportation, worship and museum galleries Education – Elementary/secondary educational facilities, colleges/universities

Health & Wellness – Hospitals, laboratories, long term care facilities, and MOBs, gyms, spas, fitness, mental health, and therapy

Hospitality – Hotel main spaces, point of sale retail, restaurants, country clubs

We also have two new categories for 2021:

Evolving Adaptations – Where is the built environment headed in the future? In light of the growing emphasis on healthy environments in 2020, what has your team done through design and engineering to adapt and support these evolving initiatives? What were the challenges brought forward during design that you provided solutions for? Visually demonstrate, through floorplans, renderings and/or photos how the design program was impacted to focus on user wellbeing. Project to have been completed by December 31, 2020.

On the Boards – Projects that are still in design or construction phases, with an established construction schedule, set for completion between January 2021 – December 2022. Tell the story of the design challenge, and the proposed design solution. Provide team member information and their contributions to the design solution, which will be judged on concept originality as well as construction feasibility. Images submitted should include one floor plan and up to 5 renderings and/or construction photos. Project may be submitted in the future after completion.

The Winners will be announced at the virtual event on Thursday, May 20, 2021. More information here!

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