
Announcing the New 2014-15 Board of Directors

IIDA SoCal is pleased to announce the following people will be joining the Board of Directors in July for the 2014-2015 term.

New Executive Board Members
Robyn Taylor, Assoc. IIDA, Westgroup Designs (Professional membership pending) – President-Elect
Jaclyn Giuliano, Ind. IIDA, Herman Miller – Co-Vice President Communication
Sarah Glass, Ind. IIDA, Shaw Contract Group – Co-Vice President City Centers
Susan Coddington, IIDA, CDGLA – Co-Vice President GRA
Anne Alexander, Affiliate IIDA, Mata Construction – Co-Vice President Membership
Alan Young, IIDA, Gensler – Co-Vice President Membership
Alyssa Scholz, IIDA, Taylor – Co-Vice President Professional Dev
Trish Drummy, Assoc. IIDA, Pivot – Co-Vice President Student Affairs
Cassie Sanchez, IIDA, Gensler – Co-Vice President Student Affairs

New City Center Directors were approved by the Board of Directors:

New City Center Directors
Los Angeles – Angela Tomlinson, Western Office
Orange County – Grace Kang, Knoll
Orange County – Melissa Wehrberg, Ware Malcomb
San Diego – Bethany Carlson, LPA, Inc.

We’re excited to have these folks join the rest of the current Board and thank everyone in advance for all their hard work and good ideas to come:

Continuing Executive Board
Pam Neiman, IIDA, Neiman Studio – President
Dave Fridlund, IIDA, Wirt Design Group – Immediate Past President
Kelsey Myatt, Ind. IIDA, Mohawk Group – Co-VP Advocacy
Sarah Walker, Assoc. IIDA, Ware Malcomb – Co-VP City Centers
Debra Haas, Ind. IIDA, Kimball Office – Co-VP City Centers
Jolene Kraus, IIDA, HBF – Co-VP Communications
Carlos Posada, IIDA, Gensler – Co-VP Professional Development
Anne Yap, Assoc. IIDA, Longust – Co-VP Sponsorship
Cameron Grimsley, Ind. IIDA, Bentley – Co-VP Sponsorship

Continuing City Center Directors
Los Angeles – Ed Melgar, Wirt Design Group
San Diego – Courtney Karlin, Momentum Group
Inland Empire – Marissa Loudon, Sisson Design Group
Inland Empire – Kelly Hubbard, Interface
Santa Barbara – Anne Radford, Radford Associates

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