
Featured Professional | Tammy Miller


Tammy Miller is an IIDA Professional Member in the San Diego region. Tammy received a BS in Design and Environmental Analysis with a concentration in Human Factors and Ergonomics at Cornell University. She did laboratory planning with Jacobs engineering for a few years and broadened her horizons taking a position in interior design at LPA Inc. in 2005. Most of her concentration has been with education work (mostly higher education facilities with some K12 as opportunities arise).
Tammy has a strong interest in Well Building and wellness programs in schools. She worked on CSUN’s Oasis Center and is currently working on a wellness Pavilion for Mount St. Mary’s University, Chalon Campus. She will be presenting at the A4LE Conference in Philadelphia this year, exploring the Well Building standards, how they apply to schools and how this new college-level focus on Wellness buildings / programs can begin to filter down to K12 schools.

What made you decide to take NCIDQ?

A. I started my certification when the NCIDQ and the CA codes tests were both required.  Of course, the CA codes test changed to IDEX after I had taken the first 2 sections of the NCIDQ.  I completed the final section a couple of years later because I thought “why not!?”  That being said, I’m pretty sure I would have taken the NCIDQ at some point anyway.  You never know where life, career, project jobs will take you.  I also believe the exam to be a much more comprehensive indicator of knowledge/aptitude for interior design.  I felt a sense of accomplishment!

How has the exam helped to shape your career?

A. I can’t say that it has other than getting comments from people impressed with both the CID and NCIDQ certifications.

What advice would you give to someone looking into taking the exam?

A. Do it!  It’s worth the effort.

Ari Coghlan, Associate IIDA
San Diego City Center Communications

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