
How Are Companies Managing Hybrid Work? A Haworth Study

There is a lot of talk about the best balance for hybrid work. And leaders want to know – what are other companies doing?

To help with this, Haworth set out to better understand hybrid work. They met with 95 architects and designers and surveyed 250 individuals across 18 industries in North America. These sessions looked at:

  • The prevalence of hybrid work policies
  • How their office has changed as a result
  • Key measures of success for a hybrid work

One of the key findings? The motivation behind hybrid work policies is widely people-centric. 52% of respondents said that the primary reason for implementing them was employee experience and attraction and retention.

As a result of these policies, companies are also redesigning their floorplates to support new ways of working. Centered around employee experience, workspaces are shifting towards collaborative work while also accommodating focus, intentional collaboration, and social connection.

Other key survey findings included:

  • Metrics organizations are using to determine the success of hybrid work programs: Employee engagement scores, productivity measures, and employee retention rates
  • Primary reason organizations want to bring people back into the office: Collaboration
  • Percentage of companies with a hybrid work policy in place: 87%

Knowing what other firms and companies are doing with hybrid work – what’s working and what’s not – can help you advise your clients on their space design. The trend towards collaborative, people-centric workspaces is growing – and the data backs that up.

Want to read more about the study’s findings or access Haworth’s resources? Click here: https://bit.ly/haworthhybridwork   

To connect with your local Haworth representative, Kelsey Sebastian, click here: [email protected]

Haworth is a 2023 Chapter Sponsor of the IIDA Southern California Chapter.

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