
IIDA HQ 2023 Summer Chapter Leadership Council

The IIDA 2023 Summer Chapter Leadership Council (CLC) took place at the IIDA Headquarters in Chicago. Our current President, Jade Li; President Elect, Brett Shwery; VP Professional Development, Sarah Devine and Brand + Social Media Manager, Leigh Dunlop attended the weekend-long event. Click here to see more photos of the CLC.

The weekend kicked off with the Chapter and Campus Center Awards ceremony at the USG Ceiling corporate headquarters.

The following morning, we met at IIDA Headquarters for a day of informative discussions and got to know representatives from many different chapters, even Hawaii! The featured topic of the summer CLC was Powering Up Chapter Communications.

The first keynote speaker was Julie Smith from Haworth who talked about public relations and gave us insight on how to pitch brand stories.

The second speaker was Stephanie Lichtenstein from Micro Media Marketing who presented an overview of all things social media packed with lots of great tips and tricks.

We heard from the IIDA International Board Members, who addressed best practices for governance and succession planning. They answered many questions about how to successfully manage a Chapter.

The day concluded with the IIDA HQ Creative Team who talked to us about how they work together to boost the IIDA brand. The team consists of Cindy Dampier, Chief Marketing Officer; Bryce Huguenin, Director of Marketing and Strategy, Sumara Fireside, Creative Director, and Yasmin Spiro, Director of Content.

The next day, we attended the IIDA Annual Meeting, where the new International Board of Directors were inducted. Three IIDA members were elevated to Fellow, and awards were given out to chapters, students and members who went above and beyond this year.

In summary, the CLC provides a space for the IIDA chapters to communicate and learn from one another. It’s also a time where the chapters can connect with the organization on the International level. The common thread that was discussed among many of the chapter leaders is that brand and communications is a critical piece of what makes a chapter successful. Our chapter will definitely be applying what we learned from the CLC to strengthen our brand message. Be sure to follow us on our official accounts to see how this journey unfolds!

Instagram: @‌iidasocal
LinkedIn: @iida-southern-california-chapter
Facebook: @IIDASouthernCalifornia

#IIDASoCal #IIDASouthernCaliforniaChapter #iidaclc #iidaclc2023

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