IIDA SoCal Supports Give Them Armor
IIDA SoCal is proud to support the non-profit Give Them Armor.
Help save their lives, so they can save ours.
Healthcare workers show up every day to fight an invisible enemy. They are the Frontliners, and they need masks, protective shields, gowns, gloves, and goggles. It’s called PPE, Personal Protective Equipment, and it’s time we did our part to get donations of supplies to them.
GiveThemArmor.org‘s mission is to save the lives of those who save lives. They believe that a small group of people can make a huge dent in the pandemic. They do this by raising awareness among non-essential clinical care providers, and small business owners who have access to PPE, and encouraging them to donate what they have. They pick up the supplies and bring them to hospitals.
Want to help?
GiveThemArmor.org conducts PPE pick-up anywhere in LA county.
“I am super proud of the non-profit, Give Them Armor which my team and I have built over the last 5 1/2 days. As someone who has fought in combat on the frontlines, I believe it’s my duty to serve those who are fighting on the frontlines of the COVID-19 war.”
– Jack Somers, USMC Veteran, GiveThemArmor.org Co-founder
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