
Los Angeles Haunt Couture 2023

The echoes of creativity and mythic allure still reverberate in the aftermath of Haunt Couture 2023. This one-of-a-kind fashion extravaganza, hosted by the LA City Center of IIDA, brought together interior design teams to transcend the boundaries of imagination and commercial-grade fabrics. Against the backdrop of MASH studios, where dreams were stitched into reality, and weeks of anticipation later, the Avalon hosted a runway like no other.

See all the photos from the event here!

The Theme: Hunt or Be Hunted – A Challenge Accepted
Haunt Couture is not just a fashion show; it’s a challenge embraced by teams of interior designers who, armed with commercial-grade fabrics, weave tales of myth and couture. This year, the theme “Hunt or Be Hunted” added a thrilling dimension, challenging teams to bring forth the essence of survival, magic, and mystery in their creations.

From MASH Studios to Avalon’s Runway: A Mythical Transformation
In the heart of MASH studios, teams embarked on a whirlwind journey of creation, dedicating a single day to transform fabrics into garments that would transcend the ordinary. The mythological creatures assigned to each team became the guiding spirits, whispering inspiration as needles danced and ideas took shape.

The Avalon Unveiling: Mythical Creatures in Couture Splendor
Weeks later, the Avalon witnessed a grand unveiling, as each team paraded their myth-inspired creations down the runway. The audience was transported into a world where Banshees wailed, Moth Men soared, and Arachne’s intricate webs mesmerized. It was a convergence of interior design and fashion, where creativity knew no bounds.

And the Winners Are…

1st Place: HDR – Moth Man- HDR’s Moth Man took flight with ethereal grace, capturing the essence of mystery and metamorphosis. Their design not only embraced the theme but elevated it to new heights, leaving a lasting imprint on the audience.

2nd Place: Revel – Banshee- Revel’s homage to the Banshee was a haunting symphony of sorrow and elegance. The team skillfully crafted a garment that echoed the mythical wails of the Banshee, earning them a well-deserved second place.

3rd Place: CSUN – Arachne- CSUN spun a tale of intricate beauty with their interpretation of Arachne. The runway became a canvas for storytelling as their model weaved through the audience, their garment a delicate tapestry of creativity, securing them the third-place position.

People’s Choice: Wolcott – Cerberus- Wolcott’s Cerberus stole the hearts of the audience, earning them the People’s Choice award. The fierce and majestic design showcased Wolcott’s ability to merge mythical inspiration with contemporary style.

A Tapestry of Talent: Beyond the Winners
While HDR, Revel, CSUN, and Wolcott claimed the spotlight, every participating team contributed to the rich tapestry of Haunt Couture 2023. The event celebrated not only the winners but also the collective imagination and dedication of all involved.

As the curtains close on this year’s spectacle, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the teams. Haunt Couture 2023 has proven once again that when myth and couture collide, the result is nothing short of magical. Until next year, when new myths will be spun into fabric, let the enchantment of Haunt Couture linger in our hearts and inspire the realms of design and fashion.

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