Meet Todd Henry, This Year’s Leaders Breakfast Speaker!
“Create fiercely, love well and die empty”
Why do we do what we do? And what unaccomplished achievements would haunt us at the end of our lives if not brought to fruition?
These are the main questions that Todd Henry asks in his book “Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Everyday”. “Die Empty” raises the questions of: what if we worked everyday like it was our last? What would be the level of greatness that one could achieve, for oneself, one’s work and for one’s community if we didn’t hold back? What goals and dreams do we have that we never dare to take or exercise due to fear, comfort, or lack of time? Come and join us at this year’s IIDA Leaders Breakfast and find out how to live to your full potential!
Before we let time pass us by, let’s take action and find daily opportunities for greatness. In his book, Todd is urging us to make whatever our goals are, happen. Our lives are too short to wait for tomorrow and before we die we want to feel like we have tried to reach our goals, rather than feel like we never tried.
Todd Henry is the author of “Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Everyday” and the “Accidental Creative: How to be Brilliant at a Moment’s Notice”.
He is also the founder of the Accidental Creative, a consulting company that helps creative people reach brilliance by developing practices and systems in their daily life. Todd has given talks nation and worldwide for all types of media, as well as TED talks and his own podcast show on iTunes.
Please join us and get inspired to die empty!
Jenneffer Burgos, IIDA, LEED, CDT