
Modernism Week in Palm Springs

Raymond Loewy House, 1947, Albert Frey, architect; Julius Shulman, photographer

What is Modernism Week?

Modernism Week is an exciting 11-day celebration of mid-century modern design, architecture, and culture in Palm Springs, California. This design aesthetic originated in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s, and was typified by clean, simple lines which came to define desert modernism. Modernism Week is filled with a variety of events including architectural tours, films, lectures, an architectural symposium, educational events, and chic, fun parties in cool mid-century modern homes and boutique hotels.

An Invitation from USC:
Reflections of Mid-Century Modernism
Weekend Symposia and special tours in Palm Springs

The USC Architectural Guild invites you to a weekend experience of Reflections of Mid-Century Modernism. We welcome you to share in a truly unique weekend hosted by Dean Qingyun Ma, fully exploring, investigating, and celebrating Sunnylands, A.Q. Jones, architecture, and the value of historic preservation.

The former winter estate of two of America’s leading philanthropists, Walter and Leonore Annenberg,The Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands spans 200 acres of lush landscape surrounding the historic home and the new Sunnylands Center & Gardens. Designed by Los Angeles architects A. Quincy Jones—-professor and former dean of the USC School of Architecture—-and Frederick Fisher, respectively, both the historic and contemporary buildings are enhanced by a cultural landscape that reflects differing views of an oasis in the desert.

Three Days of Events: Friday, February 24th – Sunday, February 26th, 2012

Friday Afternoon & Evening
Exclusive tour and program of new Sunnylands Center & Gardens, scheduled for public opening March 1, 2012. Guided tour of Historic Estate with a sunset reception at historic Annenberg residence and dinner at the new center.

Saturday Symposium
“Conserving Modernism: Celebrating Sunnylands and A. Quincy Jones” at Palm Springs Art Museum, featuring architect Frederick Fisher, architectural historian and author David De Long, among others.

Saturday Evening
Reception at BougainVilla, designed by William Burgess and Albert Frey.

Sunday Morning
Special Tour and talk at residence designed by Palm Springs modernist architect, William Krisel.

Accommodations (optional) at Hotel Zoso
$750 single / $1250 single (with hotel)
$1500 double / $2000 double (with hotel)

Learn more at  http://www.modernismweek.com/

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