Trend Report: Graffiti for Every Space
Imagine a city where graffiti wasn’t illegal, a city where everybody could draw whatever they liked. Where every street was awash with a million colours and little phrases.” – Banksy

Street Threads Carpet Tile Collection from Mohawk Group
Get ready for an explosion of color and graphics, because the interior design industry is taking famous street artist Banksy’s advice and imagining their cities and spaces covered in graffiti.
From custom graffiti painted on the walls of hotel rooms and private residences, to structural concrete formed in the shape of a graffiti tag, to carpet tiles inspired by the work of street artists, the industry is finding whole new ways to imagine and implement this trend.
Graffiti has long been a topic of debate – is it art? Is it a nuisance? I think that no matter where you stand on the issue, graffiti makes an important statement about the people that make it, the people that view it, and society on the whole. By bringing it into our spaces in the form of these new media, our industry is making street art available to the masses, and contributing to the greater conversation about public art.

The Hive Apartment by ITN Architects
Alison Maguire, IIDA, LEED Green Associate
ZGF Architects
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