
Recipe for Design Tour Featuring SAP Innovation Center and HanaHaus Designed by Hendy

We had a great turnout for our virtual Recipe for Design Tour! We kicked off the event with a video showcasing the remodel of the beautiful Newport Beach Bayfront workspace, home to SAP Innovation Center, HanaHaus and Blue Bottle Coffee designed by Hendy. You can check out the recording here!

Current Studio Director & Workplace Strategist of Hendy, Anna Grayhek walked us through the client’s goals for the space and the process in which the team collaborated to bring that vision to life. Hendy Senior Designers, Jeep Pringsulaka and Sara McClung shed some light on the history of the building and how it influenced the design, i.e. repurposing the building’s original vault doors from the 1950s bank that once operated there. 

The designers also shared their solution to acoustic challenges which turned out to be one of their favorite and most impactful design elements thanks to Arktura’s custom ceiling solutions provided by Architype.  

The presentation ended with a delicious Mexican Coffee Cocktail Recipe inspired by Blue Bottle Coffee and Cinco de Mayo!

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