
Western Region Student Design Charette – Thank You Sponsors

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The IIDA 2019 Western Region Student Design Charette will be held in Denver, Colorado on April 6th, 2019 and will feature students from the Association’s Northern Pacific, Oregon, Northern California, Southern California and Southwest Chapters. Charette teams will present their design solutions to a panel of renowned jurors from the Western Region and beyond, who will then select a winning team to advance to the next level of Interior Design Charette competition at Neocon 2019. We are thrilled to announce this year’s Host Sponsors and are grateful for their participation and support! We will soon be announcing our prestigious judges and other event details. If you would like to participate as a sponsor please visit our Sponsoring Registration page here!

Pecha Kucha Kick Off Event will be hosted by IA Interior Architects on Friday, April 5th. Regional charrette will be hosted by Pear | Haworth on Saturday, April 6th.

Thrilled for the support of these Host Sponsors for the Western Regional Student Design Charette! Thanks for making it all happen! @iaarchitects@benjaminmoore @pearworkplacesolutions @haworthinc #iidastudents #iidawrsdc

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