
Work-Life Balance Round Table Discussion

Tracy Brower, PhD

Each month the IIDA City Centers host a meeting with a group of IIDA established and emerging designers. This week’s invitation only Round Table meeting in Los Angeles will feature Tracy Brower, PhD.  Tracy leads Herman Miller’s Performance Environments group, specializing in helping companies create effective, efficient work environments – focusing on how people affect their workplaces and how their workplaces affect them.  Tracey’s expertise spans real estate, utilization, and strategic use of space; change management; HR; organizational culture; alternative working; lean, TPS, and business process reengineering; evaluation, research, and measurement systems. Tracy has taught university courses and holds a PhD as well as a Masters in Management.

This week’s topic will be about work-life balance. Work-life balance is a key buzz word these days and a topic companies may start paying attention to. How do companies help their associates achieve this and still ensure high levels of productivity?  Well, find out at this next IIDA Round Table.

Work-Life Balance Round Table discussion will take place at HOK’s Culver City office on Thursday. The IIDA Design Leaders Round Table meets every other month and is made up of design leaders with 10 plus years experience.  If you are interested in attending, please contact Kathleen S

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