Connecting the Invisible Dots: 2022 Turning Point
2022 Turning Point was a success! Turning Point is a yearly professional development event organized by the professional development team. On November 10, for the first time, Turning Point was livestreamed for virtual attendees and hosted in-person at Tangram Interiors Newport Beach.
Here are more photos from the event.
This year’s topic was The Art of Interaction: Connecting the Invisible Dots presented by guest speaker Richard Fleming, Neuro-Architect. The topic focused on the relationship between our brain and the built environment. Attendees were challenged to be aware of the unseen methods of designing dynamic environments that trigger our various brain-boosters, called “happy chemicals”. Richard shared how to harness these happy chemicals – DOSE (Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, Endorphins) to better provide exactly what our clients need. In line with the topic, our event sponsors highlighted featured products/services that engage our senses.
A special thanks to our event sponsors: Gabriel, Clarus, Haworth, Tangram, and Gensler Newport Beach.
IIDA Southern California Chapter Professional Development Team: Chidimma Abuka (SoCal), Sarah Devine (SoCal), Jackie Zaccagna (OC), Katie Hendrix (SD), Erica Roman (SD), and Emilee Olson (LA).
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